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发布时间:2024-10-02 18:17人气:

本文摘要:China is vast, but the whole nation can still be swept by trends — especially if politics enters the frame. When the products of a business are shunned, the consequences can be painful. South Korea, formerly beloved by Chinese consumers for its K-pop and cosmetics, is in the sin bin for agreeing to host a missile defence system for the US. South Korean companies are getting caught in the cross hairs of Chinese disapproval. But the trend may not last long.中国幅员辽阔,但整个国家仍有可能被潮流所席卷——尤其是如果牵涉到政治的话。

China is vast, but the whole nation can still be swept by trends — especially if politics enters the frame. When the products of a business are shunned, the consequences can be painful. South Korea, formerly beloved by Chinese consumers for its K-pop and cosmetics, is in the sin bin for agreeing to host a missile defence system for the US. South Korean companies are getting caught in the cross hairs of Chinese disapproval. But the trend may not last long.中国幅员辽阔,但整个国家仍有可能被潮流所席卷——尤其是如果牵涉到政治的话。当一家企业的产品被故意弃而不卖,其后果有可能是伤痛的。以前中国消费者钟爱韩国流行音乐和化妆品,如今,由于表示同意让美国部署反导系统,韩国早已“被罚下场”了。


Hyundai Motor and affiliate Kia Motors are the latest to feel the chill. Yesterday, shares in the carmakers dipped in response to reports they have slashed production in China, where combined unit sales halved year on year in March. While neither splits out China revenues, this will drag down Asia’s contribution, around one-third of Hyundai’s total. The group’s Chinese plant sells around one-fifth of total volumes. Kia has similar metrics.现代汽车(Hyundai Motor)及其关联公司起亚汽车(Kia Motors)是近期感受到这股寒意的韩国公司。周二两家公司的股价双双暴跌,原因是有报导称之为,它们缩减了在华产量——3月份两家公司在华销量同比上升一半左右。虽说两家公司都没分开所列在华营收,但这认同不会纳较低亚洲的贡献,亚洲市场大约占到现代总营收的三分之一。


These are not the only South Korean consumer names with significant exposure to China. AmorePacific, purveyor of cosmetics, and Samsung Electronics earn around 20 per cent of revenues there. Abashed South Korean groups should learn from compatriot Lotte. The group, which has given over a golf course for the missile site, was the first to be blacklisted. Following official inspections, most of its 100 or more stores in China have been forced to close. But on Monday the company said it will continue to invest there.在中国有较小业务的韩国消费品牌不只这两家。化妆品集团爱人茉莉太平洋(AmorePacific)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在华营收都占了总营收的20%左右。


但周一该公司回应将之后在中国投资。Lotte’s long-term view is wise. Geopolitical trends are more unpredictable than usual. However, sabre-rattling by US president Donald Trump towards North Korea is as likely to lead to a rapprochement with China as it is to an escalation of tensions.乐天抱着这种将来眼光是明智的。当今地缘政治趋势比整天更为不能预测。

然而,美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)对朝鲜武力恫吓既有可能造成紧张局势升级,也有可能造成韩国与中国新的讲和。This month, Chinese consumers may be eager to boycott South Korean products, and to fall in line with a ban on travel to the country. Previous diplomatic spats with Japan did not stop Chinese consumers from hoovering up Japanese products ranging from nappies to high-tech toilet seats. Chinese products mostly cannot compete with Japanese or South Korean ones. Until this changes, its shoppers will continue to look east for quality goods.本月,中国消费者有可能急迫地要杯葛韩国产品,并遵守回国韩旅游禁令。







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